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Add smart phone interface

Add the ability to access the main application from a smart phone including a web based access portal.

Sherman WIlliams , 29.02.2012, 06:18
Idea status: under consideration


steveG, 17.09.2012, 11:54
please please - DROID
Colin , 02.01.2013, 19:57
I'm all for this too because...

A lot of my work requires brainstorming, research and "AFK" stuff.
Things I do without the temptation of email, internet and chat.
A iPhone or mobile version sync'd to a cloud would allow me to track my daily, weekly and monthly pomodoros without my laptop.
Will, 05.01.2013, 15:37
I say stick to the current platform and get the app to a place where you want it, THEN go mobile.

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